Sunday, May 9, 2010

Not Just Anotha' Motha'

"The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new. ~Rajneesh"

Another Mother's Day in the books.... only this one's different. It's the last one I'll have being a mother of two. Well, technically LAST year was the last one as a mother of two, because I'm already a mother of three, but I didn't know it so I'll count it as this one, reworded: last Mother's Day with 2 children outside the womb. I can't believe it! It's so exciting, knowing that my family is growing, into a little "crew" as my friend calls it. I can't wait to see this little baby. I can't wait to see if it looks like Zy, or Adlai, or neither, or both. I can't wait for this baby to see all of the love waiting here outside, his or her big brother and sister just waiting patiently to hold and cuddle. I can't wait to fill the picture frames that are waiting to be filled by this mysterious new member of our family.... Anticipation.

I always say I love the waiting part, and I do. I am grateful because even if I had the baby tonight, or tomorrow, I would still feel like I got some of that waiting time. It has been setting in the last few days. I feel pretty ready, and each day even more. Yesterday Kim put the car seat in. Today I put on my new bedspread. Tomorrow I'm hoping to get new curtains for Zyan's room - one of the very last decorating projects to be done. The house is mostly clean, and 15 minutes to company ready. The baby clothes are sorted, washed and put away, and the gender specific clothes are ready to be brought out as soon as this sweet baby shows us who he or she is. The names are picked out ~ mostly. There's room for a little leeway in that area, lol.

These are the moments I always cherish ~ growing a beautiful baby inside my belly, awaiting it's arrival, relaxing and relishing in each moment before the big day. I am so thankful to be in this moment, as a mother, a wife, a friend. I feel inspired, and for that I am extremely grateful. It is something I always long for, and don't want to let go of.

Speaking of inspiration, here are some of my favorite photos of the last couple of months:

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