Ok, so according to my doctor, I'm overdue. According to my personal calendar (wink, wink) I'm due tomorrow. But of course no one cares what my personal calendar says or the fact that I *KNOW* when I got pregnant. So I'm "overdue." Alright, I'll take it. Because in reality, there is no good excuse for what I'm about to write, so I'll just use the excuse that I'm overdue and totally off my rocker....
Today on the way to my midwife appt that I was already late for, I missed the exit and kept driving for miles all the way into L.A. before I realized it.
Then I had a doc appt for the dumb NST, and afterward I couldn't find my keys. Looked ALL over the office only to go down to the car and find them in the front seat of my unlocked car.
Then I grabbed some food and as I was walking to my car I looked down to see it had leaked ALL over my dress. HUGE pregnant lady in a dress with sauce all over it in a very public place. I went home and changed the dress.
Then I was entering a parking garage and talking to Zyan and when the car in front of me went thru the little stall thingy, I just drove straight forward (forgot to pull a ticket) and the stall almost came down on my car! I had to slam on the breaks (huge screech- all eyes on me) and reverse to pull a ticket.
Then we picked up Adlai and as I put him in the car I stepped into a nasty gutter puddle which soaked the bottom of my second dress. I had to roll my dress up to my crotch and drive home that way so it wouldn't get all over my legs and the seats.
Then Kim was super grumpy at dinner because Adlai was pulling one of his major crying sessions where he cries for no reason and you can't do anything to console him, and then I started crying because everyone is so damn grumpy and sick and tired and I just want to have a nice, peaceful, happy, excited, last few days before we welcome this new baby!
In Kim's defense I really feel for him because I know he is feeling super guilty that he is so sick and completely exhausted - the pneumonia really sucks the life out of you and I read it could be up to a MONTH before the fatigue is gone! So he was trying to do all of these things to help like make dinner and take care of the kids and wash the dishes and Adlai was just screaming the whole time. I kept telling Kim to lay down and he wouldn't, just a stressful night. And my hormones are just ridiculous. ....
Luckily, tomorrow is a new day. We are going out to breakfast, and then later on my bff is going to come over and help me do last minute things around the house. I think tomorrow will be a nice day and then maybe I'll have the baby tomorrow night or over the weekend.....I wrote Kim a nice little love letter too :)
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1 comment:
i was waiting for, "and then my water broke all over the third dress :)" hehe... you know i've been there!! ((hugs))
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