Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Out of This World

When I was a kid (wayyyy back in the 80's, lol) one of my favorite shows was called "Out of This World. It was about a girl named Evie who was half alien, and she could stop time by putting her two index fingers together. She would still be awake, and everyone else would be frozen. I don't remember much else about the show, but for the rest of my life I have always wished for that superpower. When I was a teenager and a young adult, the main reason I wanted that power was so that I could sleep longer before school or work.

Ironically, now that I am a mom of 3, it's not the sleep that I want. I just want to sit and stare at my beautiful babies, and watch them sleep. I want to snuggle them up and kiss and hug them and I want the whole world to stop so I can do it for as long as I want without anyone or anything beckoning. And I selfishly want to prolong the inevitable, even just for a few extra moments..... I want to stop that crazy fast growing that they do while you blink!!!

So Princess Paisley is a whole month old. A whole month! First she was 4 weeks, and I sort of scooted through that day putting off the "one month" label. But yesterday she was officially one month old - June 22. Sigh. I spent the day with her, snuggling in the morning and then running around like busy bees in the afternoon. Pick up Adlai from school, grab a bite to eat, dentist for a cleaning for me, pick up Zyan from her first day at camp, clean up a bit. Sigh again. Sad that I couldn't just stop everything and smell my sweet baby all day. As a happy ending to the day we all took a family walk up to Rite Aid and bought some Kettle Corn, and Kim, Zy and I watched the new Alice in Wonderland after Adlai and Paisley went to sleep. It was a nice end to the day.

Today we had Paisley's one month appt at the doc. She's 10 pounds on the dot! She hasn't grown lengthwise (still 22 in.) but her cute little head grew by 3 inches and she's gained almost 2 pounds! She was 8lb, 13oz when she was born but then went down to 8lb 3oz by day three, so she's almost gained 2 pounds since then. My little chunker. She definitely looks bigger to me and she's started smiling! Sooo cute. Just like her brother, her first real spontaneous smile was on her 4 week birthday. Love.

Speaking of her brother, Adlai is just hilarious and soooo sweet and loving with Paisley. He's said some pretty adorable things - he's absolutely in love with her. He is constantly giving her kisses and asking "Mama, I hold Paisley?" It is really adorable. He has been more clingy lately so I know he is feeling the change but he hasn't acted out toward her in any way. Some of the better Adlai quotes: "Mama, that Paisley's penis?" (Pointing to her umbilical cord stump) and "Awww, good boy Paisley. You such a good boy." Lolol! I had to explain that she's a girl, and no she does not have a penis, lol!

My big boy also got a haircut "like Daddy" today. Even though it isn't really like Daddy's at all, since Daddy shaved his head and I was NOT going to allow that for Adlai, he got a cute new do. It was getting super long - too long - so it was time for a summer cut. He looks smashing and his long luscious eyelashes are quite the main attraction now. He's already got a girlfriend in preschool named Sophia. I don't blame her, for letting him give her hugs and kisses, he's quite a dashing little stallion.

As for my big girl, Zyan started camp and she's doing gymnastics 3 times a week and wants to go more. She's helping me like crazy, and I'm just waiting for the day when she says she's over it. I hope that day never comes, because she is so sweet and loving and I honestly don't know what I would ever do without her. Love that girl!!!

Father's Day was last Sunday and we went to Seal Beach and had a great time. It was Paisley's first beach trip and she wore her bonnet that her Auntie Tristy gave her. I nearly died when I put it on her it was so damn cute. I didn't get great pics but here are a few of the last month that are my favorites:

Nursing on day 8
Our first family outing with Paisley - a walk down the street to our friend's house!

And my favorite, Adlai holds Paisley on the day she was born..... notice how he strokes her hands and arm.

1 comment:

Mimi said...

What an adorable family you have, Hilary! Congratulations!

Hugs, Mimi (Kristine's mom)