Thursday, December 3, 2009

Swept Away

This one's not so happy. I am so emotional after finding out that a 3 year old boy- a friend of a friend's son, just went to heaven. He had leukemia, and he was absolutely beautiful. I went to his website, and watched him grow from a newborn. I can't stop crying, even as I write this. It just seems so unfair. I don't understand why this happens, why people have to suffer through these things. Watching that beautiful tiny baby grow and wrap his arms around you each day, with his bright smiles and angelic eyes..... only to be swept away.

I had to go pick up my sleeping boy, and hold him. I kissed his face a million times and held and rocked him.

Lucky me.

*Edited to Add* After I pulled myself together, I went over to my friend's blog. There's always something there that makes me feel good. (Lots to make you cry too - so watch out! But it's always good.) Anyway, I cried again, only this time it was from laughing so hard. Thanks P, it was just what I needed. A pee in your pants kind of laugh.

1 comment:

paige said...

heehee. No problem. just don't tell n. that i posted that. *smoochies*
i love your tender heart.