Saturday, December 5, 2009

Get Your Groove On

I have watched this about 4 times in the last few days, and every time I laugh..... It is kind of long, but try every time it starts to get monotonous something new and exciting pops out. I'm in the background watching, and although you wouldn't know it from the video, I'm silently laughing so hard there are tears streaming down my face. I just didn't want to cramp the boy's style, so I hid it. Unfortunately, my view was the best, and Kim got mostly the rear view, but it still does justice. Enjoy!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Swept Away

This one's not so happy. I am so emotional after finding out that a 3 year old boy- a friend of a friend's son, just went to heaven. He had leukemia, and he was absolutely beautiful. I went to his website, and watched him grow from a newborn. I can't stop crying, even as I write this. It just seems so unfair. I don't understand why this happens, why people have to suffer through these things. Watching that beautiful tiny baby grow and wrap his arms around you each day, with his bright smiles and angelic eyes..... only to be swept away.

I had to go pick up my sleeping boy, and hold him. I kissed his face a million times and held and rocked him.

Lucky me.

*Edited to Add* After I pulled myself together, I went over to my friend's blog. There's always something there that makes me feel good. (Lots to make you cry too - so watch out! But it's always good.) Anyway, I cried again, only this time it was from laughing so hard. Thanks P, it was just what I needed. A pee in your pants kind of laugh.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Baby Day

I saw my baby today! Aaaaahhh such a beautiful thing. I saw tiny arms and legs, flailing away, cute little spine, and nice big head (takes after Daddy!) Babe was flipping and flopping and dancing away. It was just a quick minute - I'm not much for ultrasounds when they're not really necessary - but I asked for one today. I just ached to see that little baby, for the confirmation that it is in fact a baby, he he, and for my own selfish peace of mind that everything looks okay in there. I love my doc, he didn't blink an eye when I asked, "Ok, come on, let's go take a look. I wouldn't want you to be depressed over the next few weeks." Not that I would be depressed, but maybe just a teeny bit worried. Now I can relax, and I feel such overwhelming excitement, and love for that sweet little babe tucked safely in my belly.

When we were done, I begged Kim to come have coffee with me before we both headed back to work. At first work won, but I tugged a little harder and he agreed to come. (How does work know he's at the coffee shop and not at the Doc's office?) It was sooooooo nice. We talked about Portland, about him getting into the Illistration program at Art Center, and about how far his art has come now that he has a studio. He looked so handsome, his hair, his hoody, his shoes. He's cute. When we were done we went out to our cars and he said "Wow babe, I can't remember the last time just you and I had coffee together." It's true. Life with work and kids is hectic. But it's fun.