Sunday, November 29, 2009

One Happy Mama

13 weeks, on 11.15.09

Ok, so I like to think I know myself pretty well. In my last post I predicted my next one would be in 2 months, but wouldn't you know it's three months to the day! I also said I may be complaining, but no, not today. Today, in fact, has been another one of those magical Sundays with my favorite people. What I could never have predicted is a beautiful life growing inside me, and once again the sheer bliss of being a new mama. Life's little surprises are just delicious.

This is my absolute favorite time of year. 'Tis the season..... and I love every minute of it. I love the crisp, clean air outside, I love a latte in the morning and a chai tea in the afternoon, I love shopping for Christmas presents, decorating, seeing family and friends, wearing my Uggs (yes, I admit it) and eating yummy food. And I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE having a baby in my belly. Anytime I get to be pregnant during the holidays, which has been all 3 times *lucky for me* I feel so extra warm and fuzzy inside. Being pregnant is like an intoxicating dose of euphoria and peace for me. Just knowing I have a little bundle of sweet love with me everywhere I go is the most calming feeling on the planet. Mmmmm.

So back to today. We got back from another wonderful trip to Utah yesterday. It's always so nice to see my family, and I really enjoy watching the kids just run, hike, and play in pure nature. Zyan had another one of her memorable hikes with Grandpoppy, baked apple pie with Granny Em, made necklaces with Aunt Shannon, snuggled and watched movies with Aunt Jessie, and went to Uncle Beau's soccer game. Adlai mostly enjoyed playing with Bryce and Roxie (the dogs) and was running all over the house saying "Rice! Rice!" (calling Bryce) when he wasn't spending time going in and out of the dogs crate. That boy truly is an animal lover! I enjoyed relaxing, cooking, relaxing, playing Clue and Trouble with Zyan and the family, and relaxing some more. Kim did the same.

K, so I'm really going to tell about today now. I promise. So last night,...... just kidding! I crack myself up. This morning my Zyan woke me up with a latte she made me. It was delicious. Then she and Kim washed both the cars while I cleaned a bit and did some chores I've been putting off for years. Then Adlai cut his finger really deep and I still have no idea how he did it. He HATES Band Aids of any kind, so Kim went on a store hunt for some Sesame St. ones to see if he would keep them on. No luck, so he bought the Cars (like the movie) Band-Aids, and then went to rent the movie and bought popcorn so we could have a family movie night. Then Zyan transformed our house into a movie theater!! It was SO awesome. She made a ticket booth and had signs of all the movies playing: Sleeping Beauty, Elf, Harry Potter, and Cars, he he!! She also made a sign that said "Free Tea!" and served us all tea with our ticket. The tickets said "Thank You for Choosing the HA Theater" and then CARS underneath with a drawing of a car. Then she hung a rope to divide the room and hung blankets from it like curtains. We unfolded the futon and made a bed, and watched the movie all together with popcorn and tea. Sooooo nice. Adlai loved the movie, and kept clapping at the racing scenes and saying "Vroooom! Vrooooom!"

When it was over, I showed him the Cars Band-Aids and tried to put one on his finger. "NO MOMMY!! NOOOO!!!" Oh well, it all started with the Band-Aids, and took us on an afternoon adventure, so by that point his owie had stopped bleeding and we'd all had a great time.

We ended the night with a delicious 17 bean soup, and Zyan put a pair of my heels on to dance to Beyonce's "Put a Ring on it." Adlai liked her style, so he went and put on a pair of my heels too. Silly boy. They danced and danced and made us all laugh.

So that was my magical day. Oh, and I forgot to add that my yummy husband was such a perfect gentleman today, and even gave me a massage during the movie. I love that man.
Zyan at the top of the mountain in Utah.

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